Self-directed care means you decide who supports your long-term care and how those services are delivered.
Self-direction has many different names, but they all mean the same thing: you choose who provides your long-term care and how you’d like to receive it. GT Independence is here to help you live the life you choose. We’ll help you get set up to hire in-home or community-based caregivers and then take care of the taxes and paperwork for you.
Hire the people you like and trust the most. In some states, those people can even be your friends or family.
Get your long-term care for the same or lower cost as compared to other choices you may have.
Decide how you want to receive your long-term care, so that you get the support that is most important to you.
Stay in your comfortable and familiar surroundings. And keep enjoying the friendships and activities that bring you joy.
Self-direction programs are different in each state, so it is important to know how long-term services and supports are offered where you live. Choose your home state to learn more about the Medicare or Medicaid options in your area.
The GT App by GT Independence lets your caregivers start and end work from anywhere you choose. GT’s free app helps caregivers easily track their hours, receive your approval for shifts, and submit their timesheets for payment. Right from a phone or tablet.
Download the GT App for free.
We may have started in a small town, but we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to direct their own care. And that won’t happen until all 269 Medicaid waivers allow for self-determination.
A new school year brings many feelings for children and families. There are steps you can take to support all involved for a smooth transition.
The GT App is created for self-direction. It lets you easily track your hours, get approval from your employer, and turn in timesheets for payment.