GT IndependenceWhat We Do

What We Do

A man using a wheelchair and his friends walk down the street.

GT Independence Helps You Live the Life You Choose, Regardless of Age or Ability.

With self-direction, you have the right to live the life you choose—regardless of age or ability—in your own home or community. At GT Independence, our job is to help make self-direction easy.

By using a financial management service (FMS) like GT, you select and hire caregivers you trust. In some states, this can include family and friends. As your FMS, we handle payroll and tax withholding for the caregivers you hire. And often, you save money when compared to other care options.

Why Self-Direction?

At GT, we understand that you are the expert when it comes to your long-term care. You know you best. Whether you are a person with disabilities or simply want to age at home, we’re here to support your choices. This includes deciding who comes through your front door.  What schedule works best for you. How to hire, fire, and manage your own caregivers.  And the right to see exactly what your self-direction budget looks like, any time you want to know.

What about administrative details like new employee paperwork, background checks, and making sure your Medicaid and Medicare funds are used as they should be? That’s on us, your FMS.

From Our Family to Yours

17 States Served
33,000+ People Receiving Services
97.1% Customer Satisfaction Rating
60 Seconds or Less Call Hold Time

How to Bring Self-Direction to Life with GT Independence

  • Enroll Quickly and Easily
    • Sign up in-person or online
    • Sign forms electronically
    • Process applications and forms online
  • Employ Caregivers You Like and Trust
    • Hire non-traditional workers, such as friends and family
    • Work with local GT Independence staff to find caregivers
    • Use the “Find a Caregiver” link in the GT Portal to find pre-screened workers in your area
  • Access Your Easy-to-Use GT Portal Account
    • Manage your caregivers and approve timesheets from a computer, phone, or tablet, 24 hours a day
    • Compare authorized time to your caregiver’s hours to help stay in budget
    • Easily create and customize reports
  • Get Support At Any Time
    • Learn about self-direction with education and training
    • Get support from local GT Independence staff
    • Call or email with questions. If we don’t know the answer, we’ll help you find it.
I am a… Person Looking for Support

I want to stay in my home and get care from people I choose.

I am a… Caregiver

I want to continue helping my loved one live independently.

A mother smiles with her young daughter.
I am a… Care Coordinator

I want my clients to maintain their independence and health.

A case manager at her desk working.
I am an… Agency Partner or Work at a Managed Care Organization

I’m looking at self-direction options for my state.