Discover How Self-Direction Gives You the Power of Choice
Read our tips for getting started, and explore tools and information to help you understand your choices better.
With self-direction, you decide who provides your care and support. You decide when, how, and where you receive it.
Self-direction also means that you are responsible for taking care of the details that come with arranging your care and support. That fact can make people nervous or worried about making a mistake. But they shouldn’t be. GT Independence is here to help every step of the way.
Find helpful information, timely tips, and answers to common questions.
The GT Portal is a secure online tool that makes self-direction easy. It puts everything you need at your fingertips: timesheets, budgets, tools, information, and more. Get to GT Portal from your computer, smartphone, or tablet.
Already have an account? Sign in
The GT App keeps track of when and where your caregiver starts and ends work. You can also approve completed shifts from your caregiver’s app. The GT App is easy to use and works with a smartphone and a tablet.
GT’s Spending Plan Generator (SPG) is an easy way to make your own spending plan. Right now, it’s only available to those in California. It’s free to use, and it can help you figure out important details, like taxes and sick time. And you can use it on your computer, smartphone, or tablet.
Only available in California