36 results found for “”
5 Reasons to Use the Spending Summary Report in California
With the Spending Summary report, you can see all your spending information at the same time. And if you need a quick overview or line-by-line expenses, the Spending Summary gets you all the details you need.
July 1, 2021
What Is Self-Direction and How Does It Work in North Carolina
Curious about self-direction and wondering if it’s an option for you? Learn about the benefits of self-direction and how it can give you control over your care.
June 17, 2021
What is the FFCRA and Why Does It Matter to Me?
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act President Biden extended the FFCRA benefits on March 11, 2021. The FFCRA is designed to help both employees and their employers by providing, for…
May 19, 2021
Sparking Conversation: The California Self-Determination Program Facebook Forum
The California Self-Determination Program Forum is a Facebook page from the State Council on Developmental Disabilities. The site is a great place for people to provide ideas, ask questions, and…
May 3, 2021
Meet Disability Voices United—Run By and For Californians with Disabilities
Many groups focus on how to help people with developmental disabilities. In California, one of the leaders is Disability Voices United (disabilityvoicesunited.org). The organization is run by and for people…
May 3, 2021
Online Resources through the California State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD)
The California State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) is an independent state agency. SCDD was established to serve people with developmental disabilities. The SCDD helps people get the long-term support…
May 3, 2021
California Department of Developmental Services Resources for People with Developmental Disabilities
The California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) website is designed to serve Californians with developmental disabilities. The site includes information about California’s Self-Determination Program. It will help you identify the…
May 3, 2021
Why an Independent Facilitator Can Change Your Self-Determination Experience in California
Learn why Independent Facilitators are helpful to your success in the Self-Determination Program. This webinar covers their role, how to find one, and more.
January 14, 2021
Bicycling Benefits for Parkinson’s Patients
Parkinson’s disease might not be treatable, but recent studies have found that there’s a simple way to reduce early onset symptoms while slowing the stages through bicycling.
July 23, 2020