In-Home Care Options When You Don’t Qualify for Medicaid
COVID’s taught us that nursing homes and traditional care facilities might not be the safest options any longer. So, it often comes down to this burning question: My loved one doesn’t qualify for Medicaid, but they can’t afford private care—what do I do?
December 21, 2021
How Referring for In-Home Services Can Lead to Better Outcomes
Many case managers aren't given the information they need to submit referrals for self-direction. Here's an overview on self-direction to get you up to speed.
December 7, 2021
3 Basic Services Every F/EA Should Provide for MCOs
Everything comes back to this core: the people we serve deserve the best health outcomes. So, let’s take a look at how an F/EA can help you get there.
November 11, 2021
Simplify Your Spending in 3 Easy Steps With the Debit Card Program
With the Debit Card Program, you have 24-hour access to your funds. And you can go buy program-approved items whenever you need them, in person or online.
August 20, 2021
Hello From Jeremy Gump. Chief Administrative Officer at GT.
Jeremy Gump joins GT's executive team as Chief Administrative Officer. He will continue helping GT provide helpful tools and resources for self-direction.
August 17, 2021
Hello From Holly Carmichael. New CEO of GT.
Holly’s stepping up as the new chief executive officer of GT Independence. She’s taking over for her brother-in-law, John Carmichael.
August 6, 2021
7 Things You Need to Know About the New GT Independence Website
GT Independence is thrilled to launch our new website! It’s designed to be simple to use with easy-to-find information. And it shows our commitment to self-direction.
May 26, 2021